Equipe 1

Génie Parasismique, , Acoustique et Gestion des Risques .

Chef d’Equipe : DORBANI Saida
Grade : Professeur

Composition humaine :

– Les objectifs principaux de l’équipe “1” sont d’améliorer le comportement des structures dans l’environnement de notre pays par des études dynamique et acoustique des structures et bâti existant.

Nom & PrénomSpécialitéStructure de Rattachement Email actif
Génie ParasismiqueFGC/USTHBsaida.dorbani@usthb.edu.dz
BENOUAR Djillali

Génie Parasismique/Gestion des risque FGC/USTHBdbenouar@gmail.com
Construction MétalliqueFGC/USTHBammari fat@yahoo.fr
BOURZAM Abdelkrim
Maçonnerie et génie sismiqueENPbourzam@gmail.com
Construction MétalliqueFGC/USTHBt.belaid@hotmail.com

EL HASSAR Mohamed Karim
Thermique du Bâtiment FGC/USTHBelhassar2@yahoo.fr

Construction MétalliqueFGC/USTHBslimani a del@hotmail.fr
Génie ParasismiqueFGC/USTHBchennmoh@gmail.com
Génie ParasismiqueFGC/USTHBamchebihi@gmail.com
Sciences et Technique du Bâtiment FGC/USTHB khelifa-kerfah@hotmail.fr
MEBARKI Charazed
Sciences et Technique du Bâtiment FGC/USTHBchahra_meb@outlook.fr
DJELLAB Salah Eddine
Génie ParasismiqueFGC/USTHBdjellabse@yahoo.com
KAMEL Hakima
Génie ParasismiqueFGC/USTHBkamel.hakima@yahoo.fr
Construction MétalliqueFGC/USTHBtalbi_amina_sng@yahoo.fr
Magister /Doctorante
Construction MétalliqueCTC/Centred.boukhalfa@yahoo.fr
Génie ParasismiqueFGC/USTHByahiaouiasma14@gmail.com
TIDADINI Benaissa Adel Mohammed
Sciences et Technique du Bâtiment FGC/USTHBbenaissa.tidadini@gmail.com
AMMOURI Ami Abderrahmane
Génie ParasismiqueFGC/USTHBamirgcaaa@gmail.com
AMICHE Athmane
Sciences et Technique du Bâtiment FGC/USTHBaamiche@usthb.dz

*Production Scientifique LBE 2022-2023:

Publications dans des Revues Internationales:

  1. Adel Slimani, Toufik Belaid, Messaoud Saidani, Fatiha Ammari, Redouane Adman“The effective length factor of columns in steel framed buildings with end restraint effects”, Structures Volume 58, December 2023, 105521,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.istruc.2023.105521
  1. Asma Yahiaoui, Saida Dorbani, Lilya Yahiaoui : « Machine learning techniques to predict the fundamental period of infilled reinforced concrete frame buildings”. Structures, Volume 54, 2023, Pages 918-927, ISSN 2352-0124. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.istruc.2023.05.052.
  1. Chebihi, A., Dorbani, S. & Laouami, N. “Correlation Between Ground Motion Parameters and Structural Response of Reinforced Concrete Buildings”. Arabian Journal of Science Engineering (2023).  https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-023-08274-x.
  1. Adel Slimani, Toufik Belaid, Messaoud Saidani, Fatiha Ammari and Redouane Adman “A new method for determining the effective length factor of columns in partially braced frames on elastic supports”, Structural Engineering and Mechanics – Volume 85, Number 6, March25 2023 , pages 825-835 – https://doi.org/10.12989/sem.2023.85.6.825.
  1. Toufik Belaid, Adel Slimani, Fatiha Ammari, Dalila Boukhalfa, Redouane Adman “Formulation of the critical lateral buckling moment of steel beams under asymmetric loadings”, Thin-Walled Structures – 2023, Volume 182, Pages 110163 – https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tws.2022.110163.
  1. A. Beldjazia, R. Adman, A. Slimani, M. Saidani, T. Toufik & F. Ammari “Mechanical Modeling and General Analytical Solution for the Dynamic Buckling of Plane Structures Using a Beam-Column Element with Varying End Restraints”, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (October2021). https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219455422500195.
  1. M. B. Tidadini, L. Derradji, E. Djakab, M. Amara, Impact of window area and energy sources on the optimum insulation thickness and CO2 emission rate in residential buildings, International J. of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development, Vol. 13, 2022.
  1. Mohamed Chennit, Ali Ahmed-Chaouch, Messaoud and Abdelkrim Bourzam: “Periods and Mode Shapes for Uniform Shear Wall Buildings: Importance of Selecting the Appropriate Dynamic Behavior », International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 2022 22:11.

Publications dans des Revues Nationales

  • S. Laidi, S. M. K. El Hassar, A. Mahrane, R. Sellami, “Ventilation adaptée des combles en vue de l’amélioration de l’efficacité énergétique des constructions”, Journal Ren. Energies, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 29 -, June 2022.

            Communications Internationales

  • Tidadini, A.M.B., Derradji, L., Amara, M., Djakab, E. (2024). Optimum Insulation Thickness and Environmental Impact Mitigation of Residential Buildings Wall. In: Mellit, A., Belmili, H., Seddik, B. (eds) Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Advanced Renewable Energy Systems. ICARES 2022. Springer Proceedings in Energy. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-2777-7_15.
  • Asma Yahiaoui, Saida Dorbani: “Estimation of the fundamental period of RC shear walldominant buildings using various regression methods”. 1st International Conference on Civil and Earthquake Engineering (ICCEE 2023) Annaba 2023.
  • Toufik Belaid, Adel Slimani, Fatiha Ammari, Dalila Boukhalfa, Redouane Adman: “Rigidity requirement for discrete lateral restraints of simply supported I beams under uniform bending” – The 4th International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies, Turkey, 28-30 September 2022.
  • Toufik Belaid, Adel Slimani, Fatiha Ammari, Dalila Boukhalfa, Redouane Adman : “Effect of lateral restraints at the tense flange on the lateral torsional buckling of I beams” – The Geotechnical, Structural and Materials Engineering first International Conference, Biskra, 05-07 December 2021.
  • Adel SLIMANI, Toufik BELAID , Fatiha AMMARI, Redouane ADMAN : ” The effective length of columns in multi-storey frames with end restraint effects” – International Conference on Mechanical Sciences, Ain Beida, Algeria 15-16 Nov. 2021.
  • TALEB Chems eddine, AMMARI Fatiha, ADMAN Redouane et DJOUAHER Fatma Zohra : “Numerical study of Local Buckling Stability for HEA Rolled Profiles” – The International Congress on Phenomenological Aspects in Civil Engineering (PACE-2021), Turkey, 20-23 June 2021.
  • TALEB Chems eddine, AMMARI Fatiha, ADMAN Redouane et DJOUAHER Fatma Zohra : “Modélisation numérique du voilement par cisaillement des âmes des profilés métalliques par le logiciel Cast3M” – Club Cast3M 2020, France, 2020.
  • S. Dorbani, M. Badaoui, A. Badaoui and D. Benouar: “Epicentral distance and Eigen period randomness effect on the RC buildings’ seismic responses: The case study of Boumerdes (Algeria) 2003 earthquake”. Phenomenological Aspects in Civil Engineering (PACE-2021), Turquie.
  • Ilyas KHELIFA KERFAH, Sidi Mohamed Karim EL HASSAR, Abdelkader LARABI, “Amélioration du Confort Thermique dans les Bâtiments Anciens en Algérie”, 1st International Symposium on Materials, Energy and Environment, January 20-21st 2020, (MEE 2020) El Oued, ALGERIA.
  • Ilyas KHELIFA KERFAH, Sidi Mohamed Karim EL HASSAR, Achour MAHRANE and Sidali DENINE, “Effect of Algerian climatic zones on the energy performances of a building”, 1st International Conference on Engineering and Applied Natural Sciences, May 10-13, 2022, (ICEANS 2022), Konya, Turkey.
  • Sidali DENINE, Noureddine DELLA and Ilyas KHELIFA KERFAH, “Investigation on soil mechanical behavior, influence of initial state”, 1st International Conference on Engineering and Applied Natural Sciences, May 10-13, 2022, (ICEANS 2022), Konya, Turkey.
  • Ilyas KHELIFA KERFAH, Sidi Mohamed Karim EL HASSAR, Linda ACHOU, Abdelkader LARABI and Sidali DENINE, “Improvement of energy consumption and thermal comfort inwinter in Algerian dwellings”, 3rd International Conference on Engineering and Applied Natural Sciences, January 14-17, 2023, (ICEANS 2023), Konya, Turkey.
  • Linda ACHOU, Latifa ACHOU and Ilyas KHELIFA KERFAH, “Predicting binding energies of ultrasmall and isolated nano-gold clusters via mathematical model : nano-engineering applications”, 3rd International Conference on Engineering and Applied Natural Sciences, January 14-17, 2023, (ICEANS 2023), Konya, Turkey.
  • L. ACHOU, A. DOGHMANE, I. KHELIFA KERFAH, “Low-Dimensional Nanomaterials: quantum size effects and binding energies of nano-Au and nano-Si clusters”, 24 ièmes Journées Scientifique et Pédagogique, Avril 2023, JSP’ 24, USTHB, Alger, Algérie.
  • Linda ACHOU and Ilyas KHELIFA KERFAH, “Determination of an analytical relation for binding energy dependence on small gold clusters doped with alkali metals (Na, Rb, Cs) and alkaline-earth metals (Be, Mg, Ca)”, Computational & Applied Physics Symposium, May 10th, 2023, University of Khemis-Miliana, Algeria.
  • Mohamed AHMED-DAHMENE, Ilyas KHELIF KERFAH, (Prototype : système photovoltaïque /thermique applique aux bâtiments (pvtib), Participation au salon national de l’innovation, le 02 et 03 juin 2024, université d’Alger 03, Algérie